Since we're on the topic of poultry, and with Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought I'd make my initial post about Tasty-Q Bbq. Located on Crenshaw, about a 1/2 mile south of the 10 freeway, Tasty-Q is relatively well known for their bbq. Some would argue that Leo's (now known as something I can't remember) is superior, and that's quite possibly a valid argument. HOWEVER...Tasty Q's is one up on that joint in the sense that they offer an additional menu item....FRIED TURKEY!. For the low low price of $2/lb, you can have them deep fry a turkey for you. Now keep in mind that fried turkey is NOTHING like fried chicken. It's not breaded, and it's definitely not as greasy. Fried turkey tastes similar to roasted turkey, the only difference (and this is a big one) is that even the white meat is REALLY moist. It has something to do /w cooking it much more quickly in the deep fryer than in the oven, but I'm not a culinary scientist. Just a guy /w a healthy appetite. Anyway, give em a couple days notice if you want to use this option for Thanksgiving, as I'm sure they'll have a quite a demand for this tasty spin on an old favorite.